Effective Exercises for All Movements DVD by Yusuke Sasaki
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Transform Your Body's Foundation with Simple, Effective Exercises
In this instructional guide, Yusuke Sasaki, a renowned judo therapist and trainer who works with world-class athletes, explains how to enhance your body's foundation through three primary approaches. These methods are designed to strengthen muscles, improve joint movement, and alleviate chronic pain, ultimately enhancing athletic performance and overall physical health.
- Main Target Audience: Individuals experiencing pain and discomfort
- Understanding the Causes of Pain and Discomfort
- Types of Pain: Differentiating between various pain sources
- Acquired Pain: Identifying pain developed over time due to poor movement patterns
Correct Body Movement
- Two Elements of Movement: Essential for improving physical function
- Mobility Joints: Joints that require a wide range of motion
- Stability Joints: Joints that need to be stable to support movement
Key Approaches to Change the Foundation of Your Body
Press the Ground with the Soles of Your Feet: Hip Lift
- Basic Exercise: Hip Lift
- Advanced Exercise: Cook Lift
Move the Hip Joints: Hinge
- Basic Exercise: Hinge
- Advanced Exercise: Single-Leg Hinge
Increase Your Range of Motion: Stretching
- Types of Stretching: Understand different stretching techniques
- Upper Body Stretching
- Cat & Dog: For shoulders and back
- Water Scooping: For shoulders and back
- 90/90: For chest
- Lower Body Stretching
- Gluteus Stretch: For hip joints
- Iliopsoas Stretch: For hip joints
- Ankle Stretch
Application to Exercise
- Jumping Exercises
- Jumping (Lightly Floating): To improve coordination and lightness
- Continuous Hinge Jumps: To enhance hip hinge movement
- Continuous One-Legged Hinge Jumps: To improve single-leg stability and power
Additional Techniques
- Taping Techniques: Practical applications for pain relief
- How to Apply Taping for Lower Back Pain
- Techniques to Relieve Calf Muscle Pain
Instructor and Supervision: Yusuke Sasaki
- Born in 1986
- Judo therapist and trainer
- Trainer for boxing world champion Hiroto Kyoguchi, karate world champion Hayato Fukuchi, J-Leaguers, and other elite athletes
- Representative of Sasaki Sports Osteopathic Clinic
Language: Japanese
Run time: 60 min.