Complete Taikiken Combat Theory DVD 1 by Satoshi Amano
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VOL.1: Standing Zen and Power Emission - Complete Theory
Introducing the Practical Combat Theory of Taiki Ken.
The definitive edition that covers everything about Taiki Ken!
The era of mystifying Taiki Ken is over! We present a complete combat theory without any ambiguity, open for all!
Thorough analysis of Standing Zen
Theory of crawling movements
Crawling and outer Sanhe
Taiki Ken power emission theory
Instructor/Supervisor: Satoshi Amano
Born in Tokyo in 1951. Directly learned Taiki Ken from the founder Kenichi Sawai and was awarded the rank of Ren Shi Godan. Even after the passing of Grandmaster Sawai, continued his own research and in 1990 founded the Yokohama Taiki Ken Study Group, which later became the current Taiki Association. He has engaged in technical exchanges with Yi Quan in China and continues to mentor future generations. Author of "The Door to Taiki Ken" and DVDs such as "Taiki Ken Challenge Lectures".
Language: Japanese
Length: 40 min.