Combat Conditioning: Functional Exercises For Fitness And Combat Sports Book by Matt Furey (Revised Edition) (Preowned)
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Combat Conditioning is a system of bodyweight exercises comprised of the three most important exercises for developing the entire body: Hindu squats, Hindu pushups and bridging. When Matt Furey, the author of Combat Conditioning refers to the body, though, he does so in a different manner than most:
"I am not simply referring to the muscles when I talk about the body," says Furey. "I am also talking about the lungs, the heart, the kidneys, the spine and all the internal organs and glands."
When you exercise, think of training everything from the inside out. This means that deep and concentrated breathing plays a major role. Hindu squats lay the foundation for strength and endurance. They build lung power, as well as the thighs, lower back, calves, chest, shoulders and arms. The deep breathing that you do with this exercise, all by itself, will expand the chest and make it larger and more prominent. Additionally, Hindu squats develop balance and coordination.Hindu pushups are the second component of the Combat Conditioning program.
As great and important as Hindu squats and Hindu pushups are, however, the KING of all Combat Conditioning exercises is the back bridge. It exercises the entire body from head to toe. Many people with neck and back pain feel like new after less than a month of training in the Combat Conditioning program. Furey's entire Combat Conditioning program can be done without equipment of any kind. And it can be done virtually anywhere - making gyms, health spas and weight training obsolete. Combat Conditioning is great for the average man or woman who wants to get into kick-butt shape fast - and it's perfect for the combat athlete or martial artist who wants to ramp his skills to the next level.
142 pages