Coaching & Training Methods for Winning Naginata Competitions DVD by Wataru Suzuki
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Stand Out with Clear Instruction and Practical Training!
Four-time All-Japan Men’s Naginata Champion Wataru Suzuki presents a comprehensive guide to mastering naginata through effective training and clear instruction. This DVD is designed to help both beginners and seasoned practitioners improve their technical skills, understand the meaning behind their practice, and develop practical training routines for competitions. Featuring foundational exercises and advanced combat techniques, this resource offers invaluable insights into naginata training.
Contents Overview:
- Foundational Training: Running, jump rope, and footwork drills.
- Core Techniques: Hand positions, footwork, and guided practice of offensive and defensive techniques, including key drills like strikes, blocks, and combinations.
- Dynamic Practice: Multi-angle striking, armor-clad drills, and step-by-step guidance for complex techniques like thrusting and dodging.
- Sparring and Advanced Skills: Engaging in 2-on-1 and 3-on-1 scenarios, comprehensive strike drills, and advanced combat training.
About Wataru Suzuki:
A renowned naginata master, Suzuki began his martial arts journey in elementary school, balancing kendo and naginata. Shifting to focus solely on naginata in university, he went on to achieve significant victories, including two World Naginata Championships and four All-Japan Men’s Naginata Championships. He currently serves as a safety advisor for the All-Japan Naginata Federation and coaches at Saitama Sakae Junior & Senior High School.
This DVD is produced under the supervision of the All-Japan Naginata Federation with collaboration from Saitama Sakae Junior & Senior High School.
Language: Japanese
Length: 1 hour & 23 min.