Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan Book 3: Keiko Shokon Edited by Diane Skoss
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Keiko Shokon is the third volume in a series that demystifies the rare and often misunderstood fighting arts of the Japanese warrior. Do these arts still have relevance in a modern technological world? How are they being preserved? What are the pitfalls for practitioners struggling to maintain these arts in a culture so foreign to that of their origins? These questions are discussed by a unique group of practitioner/writers.
Foreword by Quintin Chambers
Keiko Shokon Revisited: An Introduction by Diane Skoss
The Cat's Eerie Skill: A Translation of Issai Chozan's "Neko no Myojutsu" by Karl F. Friday
Promise and Peril: The Potential of Following Multiple Koryu by Dave Lowry
Interview with Nitta Suzuyo: Headmaster of the Toda-ha Buko-ryu by Liam Keeley
Challenges in Observing the Koryu Bugei by Ron Beaubien
Itto-ryu Kenjutsu: An Overview by Meik Skoss
Soke: Historical Incarnations of a Title and its Entitlements by William M. Bodiford
Renovation and Innovation in Tradition by Ellis Amdur
The Professional Perspective: Thoughts on the Koryu Bujutsu from a United States Marine by George H. Bristol
with glossary
192 pages