Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan Book 2: Sword & Spirit Edited by Diane Skoss
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The flashing steel of the samurai sword conjures images of the ancient warrior elite of Japan. With the growing popularity of the martial arts, more and more people are looking for reliable information on the fighting traditions of the redoubtable Japanese warriors. These rare and often misunderstood arts are demystified in the eight essays in Sword & Spirit. The authors are all highly skilled and qualified practitioners, who have spent decades living, training, and researching in Japan--and they are unique in that they can tell their tales in English.
Volume one of the "Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan" series, Koryu Bujutsu, was hailed by Wayne Muromoto of Furyu: The Budo Magazine as "...probably the best book on martial arts this year, if not for several years past and hence..." Don't miss these beautiful, well-researched books!
Foreword by Yagyu Nobuharu
Introduction: A Coconut Palm in Missouri by Dave Lowry
Kyujukyu Kakun: The Ninety-Nine Precepts of the Takeda Clan by Takeda Nobushige
Neglected Treasure: The Koyo Gunkan by Alexander C. Bennett
Field Guide to the Classical Japanese Martial Arts by Meik & Diane Skoss
Negishi-ryu Shurikenjutsu: An Interview with Saito Satoshi by Meik Skoss
The Tojutsu of the Tatsumi-ryu, Murphy's Law, and the K.I.S.S. Principle by Liam Keeley
Kabala in Motion: Kata & Pattern Practice in the Traditional Bugei by Dr. Karl F. Friday
Uchidachi and Shidachi by Nishioka Tsuneo
with glossary
192 pages