Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan Book 1: Koryu Bujutsu Edited by Diane Skoss
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Koryu Bujutsu is the first new book on the arts of the Japanese samurai to appear in over twenty years. Written by the foremost Western practitioner/writers, these eight essays are based on experiences with authentic Japanese traditions and teachers gained during decades spent living, researching, and training in Japan. Together they offer a fascinating, literate, and insightful view into the classical warrior ways of feudal Japan. Compiled and edited by Diane Skoss (herself licensed in Toda-ha Buko-ryu naginatajutsu, an ancient warrior tradition), the book also contains thirty-three photographs, bibliographical references, a Japanese glossary with kanji, and a detailed index.
Foreword by Major George H. Bristol
Preface by Diane Skoss
Introduction: Keiko Shokon by Diane Skoss
The Koryu Bujutsu Experience by Hunter B. Armstrong
The Meaning of Martial Arts Training: A Conversation with Sawada Hanae by Meik Skoss
Field Guide to the Classical Japanese Martial Arts by Diane Skoss
Marishiten: Buddhist Influences on Combative Behavior by David A. Hall
Tenjin Shinyo-ryu Jujutsu by Meik Skoss
Kato Takashi: Reflections of the Tatsumi-ryu Headmaster by Liam Keeley
Koryu Meets the West by Ellis Amdur
192 pages