Budo Principles Seminar DVD by Akira Hino
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For Those Struggling in Martial Arts, Martial Arts, or Sports
Overcoming Walls and Breaking Conventional Boundaries: Taught by a Legendary Martial Artist
Many dancers and therapists are also avid learners of these principles. This DVD captures an open seminar hosted by the legendary martial artist Hino Akira, which goes beyond the boundaries of any particular martial arts style to provide a comprehensive teaching on overcoming obstacles in both martial arts and life.
Hino has long been focused on the rational use of bodily functions. In this DVD, you’ll experience carefully selected Hino theories, focusing on the use of the body in a way that emphasizes Aikido-inspired movements and striking techniques that go beyond superficial destruction.
Content Overview:
Introduction… Q&A with Hino Akira
- Weapons and Martial Arts Training – How to build the body.
- Posture and Movement – Key points to focus on.
- The Sternum – What is it and why does it matter?
- Foot Awareness – Where to focus when grounding yourself.
Shifting Body Weight
- Shifting Body Weight Training 1 – Applying weight to the front foot.
- Shifting Body Weight Training 2 – Breaking your opponent’s balance by shifting weight through their arm.
Making Your Opponent Feel Comfortable
- Reverse Technique Practice – Moving with the side that holds your weight.
From “Thinking” to “Sensing”
- Training from a Hugging Position – How to disengage without triggering reflexes.
Using the Elbows (Pull and Drop)
- Training from a Grabbed Arm – How to drop the elbow to unbalance your opponent.
- Training from an Elevated Arm – Using the elbow to drop the opponent's stance.
- Additional Practice – Pressing your elbow downward for control.
Moving Body Weight Horizontally for Striking
- Power Striking (発勁) – How to move with power.
- Training Method 1 – Simultaneously moving both knees during weight shift.
- Training Method 2 – Rounding the back to change the body’s alignment.
- Training from a Grabbed Leg – Using the knee to unbalance the opponent.
- Confirming Weight Shift – How to unbalance someone by shifting weight onto their shoulder.
Turning Movement into Power
- Shoulder Strike Training 1 – Deflecting a downward strike and using the triangle for shoulder strike.
- Shoulder Strike Training 2 – Using shoulder strike after deflecting a mid-level attack.
Transmitting Power
- Punch Training 1 – Moving the knee and hand simultaneously for greater power.
- Punch Training 2 – Using only the elbow to create force.
Final Q&A with Hino Akira
- Breathing Techniques – How to control breathing in martial applications.
- Defeating Your Opponent Without Touching – Learning how to affect their movement without direct contact.
Instruction: Akira Hino Born in 1948, Akira Hino founded the Hino Martial Arts Institute in the 1990s with a focus on exploring the fundamental nature and training methods of martial arts. His approach extends beyond traditional martial arts, as he has collaborated with renowned choreographer William Forsythe in the realm of dance, integrating martial arts principles into movement education. Hino Sensei conducts martial arts workshops across Japan, including Tokyo and Osaka, as well as internationally, based in France. He also hosts "Meikyou Juku" seminars tailored for medical professionals.
Language: Japanese
Length: 1 hour & 2 min.