Break Through the Limits with Yawara Book by Shosui Iwaki
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“Yawara”: "Do not oppose the opponent's power; instead, control the opponent with something beyond mere force."
This principle, pursued to its purest form, gave birth to a new martial art that is neither judo, jujitsu, nor aikido.
Though we may not perceive it, there exists a force that governs the phenomena of our world. There is a definitive reason why "softness" can overcome "hardness." When humans harness the invisible power known as "Gen," they achieve an unbeatable strength.
What is Gen?
- The Origin of All Things: Explained by the ancient philosopher Laozi
- Reddish Black: Symbolizing depth and mystery
- An Unseen Law: A principle that undeniably exists, even if it is not visible
Discover the secrets of Yawara and the profound power of Gen, and unlock an extraordinary martial art that transcends traditional forms and techniques.
Chapter 1 What is Yawara?
1.Strong, flexible, and weak
2. It’s not that you don’t have enough power; power itself has its limits.
3. Thorough elimination of force
4. Inventions and discoveries
5. Things that moved my body
Chapter 2: Existence of “Gen” ~ Something that definitely exists even if you can’t see it
1. Dark matter and “gen”
2. Physical laws
3. What is “Ki”?
4. The moment when something that is not power becomes a technique...
5. The nature of “gen”
Chapter 3: Modeling
1. Variability of water
2. Difference between shape and “imprint”
3. Image of “sculpture” technique
4. Sculpture, “Sports” and “Dance”
5. Imitation techniques and practice methods
6 Flexible Rokuho
Chapter 4 Reaction
1. “Invisible forces” that are constantly occurring
2. Body structural “reaction”
3. A body that can utilize reactions
4. How to use your body
5. Use your elbows instead of your hands!
Chapter 5 Wave Heart
1. “Resonance” instead of “force”
2 Two digits
Chapter 6 Points, Lines, and Areas
1. Changes in contact points
2. How to use it in actual techniques
3. Increase points of contact
Chapter 7 Foot handling
1. The importance of walking method
2. Two Steps
3. Second tour
4 Ninoshin
5 Second Opening
Chapter 8 Techniques for grasping
Chapter 9: Techniques for hitting
Chapter 10 Universality of “Yawara” ~ Where martial arts end up
1. “Softness” is the principle
2. There is no such thing as “the strongest”!?
3 “Yen”
About the Author:
Born in Toyama Prefecture in 1946. He started Shito-ryu Karate at the age of 18. When he was 30 years old, he discovered Tenshin Koryu Kempo and began his training under the 11th Master. Afterwards, he studied martial arts theory with Teiichi Shimada, a martial arts historian, martial arts with Master Masami Onoe, and handling with Master Yoshio Kunimatsu. He is pursuing the correct form of martial arts. In July 1989, he was awarded the seal of Tenshin-ryu Kempo handed down by the Ueno family by the late Tenshin Ueno Yoshiaki, the 9th head of Shinto Tenshin-ryu Kempo. On the other hand, he begins to question his own martial arts, which he has focused on striking and killing techniques, and begins a new pursuit of ``soft'' martial arts that truly eliminate force. Currently, he is teaching his successors as the Soke of Tenshin Shosui-ryu.
Length: 168 pages
Language: Japanese