Bloody Iron: Practical Knife Fighting Book by Harold Jenks (Preowned)
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Harold James Jenks practically grew up behind bars spending all of his teenage years in jails, reformatories and prisons. Jenks was not free until he was 24 years old-learned how to fight as a matter of survival. On the "outside" Jenks used knowledge acquired in prison for jobs managing unruly customers in nightclubs, etc.-getting upwards of $500 a day for occasional "trouble-shooting." In addition to knowledge acquired in prison Jenks dealt with knife experts on the streets whose tricks, moves and expertise had been passed down for generations-such as the "twirl" and "moves with the ice-pick grip." Jenk's forte in prison was his ability to command, control and "move" on other prisoners when the occasion required. Jenks is currently the national president of the Iron Cross Motorcycle club, formerly based in Southern California and has served time in Leavenworth, Chillcothe, Terre Haute, St. Petersburg, and NTS. Michael H. Brown served in the U.S. Army Airborne, ! 101st and 82nd (2 years each) 1960-1964. Lead paramilitary attack against pro-Communist rioters in San Francisco during 1966. Put scores of Commies in hospital while suffering no causalities themselves. In the Summer of 1967 Mike lead an armed confrontation against the black Panther headquarters-the Panthers backed down! In late Summer Mike lead 34 men in an attack against over 7500 Communist "peace marchers" putting scores of them in the hospital. Mike founded the Iron Cross Motorcycle Club in June 1968 and served as California president through 1970. This book was written by two guys who know what prison knife fighting is all about, because They Were There! Boody Iron reveals and dismisses the commonly taught nonsense and moves you through stances, creeping and sticking, unarmed defenses and all the other vital elements of using the Blade.
Knife history
Commonly taught nonsense
Jenks on the finer points
Blade to blade
Stance & style
Moves with the ice pick grip
Unarmed defenses
Three on one knife fight
Knife throwing
Choose & edges
Creeping & sticking
Physical conditioning
119 pages
Printed in 1978