Ba Gua: Hidden Knowledge in the Taoist Internal Martial Art Book by John Bracy (Preowned)
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The Taoist yogic discipline of Ba Gua is an internal form of the ancient art of kung fu--as are the much older t'ai chi and Xing I. Ba Gua is the most arcane and yogic of three sister arts--t'ai chi and Xing I are the others--and is distinguished by serpentine turning and circling movements and its own internal energy exercises, Ba Gua Qi Gong.
About the Author
Liu Xing-Han, of Beijing, China, is the last of the fourth-generation Ba Gua disciples. He began his martial arts studies in 1917. In 1996 he was the subject of a China National Television documentary commemorating his life's work, and has been written about in Chinese magazines, martial art journals, and newspapers. In the United States several issues of Pa Kua Journal, including its debut edition, covered his work. He is the author of three books on Ba Gua in China. He continues to teach the internal tradition.
John Bracy became a fifth-generation lineaged disciple of Ba Gua Zhang in 1988. He founded the Hsing Chen School of Internal Martial Arts in Costa Mesa, California in 1976 and has continued as a director since it incorporated in 1990. He has studied at advanced levels in the United States, Taiwan, mainland China and has attained advanced rankings and honors in several styles of traditional kung fu. As a graduate exchange student in Taiwan, he researched psychotheraputic applications of acupuncture.
John Bracy became a fifth-generation lineaged disciple of Ba Gua Zhang in 1988. He founded the Hsing Chen School of Internal Martial Arts in Costa Mesa, California in 1976 and has continued as a director since it incorporated in 1990. He has studied at advanced levels in the United States, Taiwan, mainland China and has attained advanced rankings and honors in several styles of traditional kung fu. As a graduate exchange student in Taiwan, he researched psychotheraputic applications of acupuncture.
168 pages
Publication date: 1998