Ancient Kobujutsu DVD 2: Natural Ways to Use Your Body DVD by Shinichiro Okada
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Awakening the Dormant, Natural Power Within: Rediscovering Everyday Strengths
Discover how to harness the innate power lying dormant within you through reevaluating everyday actions using ancient martial arts techniques. By revisiting daily movements such as standing, sitting, lying down, and walking in the context of traditional martial arts, your body can achieve surprising efficiency and strength without unnecessary strain.
This training isn't about forcing movements but rather utilizing your entire body efficiently, derived from the practices of those who lived in ancient times, often forgotten in modernization. Prepare for unexpected discoveries and shifts in perspective.
01. Standing Up
- Rising without relying solely on muscle strength
02. Sitting Down
- Bending from the hips
03. Getting Up and Sitting Down from the Floor
- Efficient ways to sit in seiza (formal sitting position)
- Getting up from a long sit
- Standing up using one hand and leg
04. Squatting
- Progressing from knee walking movements
05. "Lying Down" Movement
- Importance of prone position
- Getting up from lying down
- Reverse crawling forward
06. Carrying
- Maximizing strength with minimal effort
07. Walking
- Focusing on the sacrum
08. Lifting
- Using your body weight effectively
- Principles of force transmission
09. Fox Hands (Kitsune no Te)
- Activating unused muscles
- Applications in martial arts, rescue, and caregiving
10. Utilization of the Back
- Sensory dullness and resilient characteristics
11. Selecting Sensory Information
- What information is crucial right now?
About Shinichiro Okada Shinichiro Okada is a physiotherapist, certified caregiver, and long-term care support specialist. Working in facilities for individuals with physical disabilities and the elderly, he introduced "Kobujutsu Care," incorporating ancient martial arts principles into his caregiving techniques. His works include "Introduction to Kobujutsu Care" (Igaku-Shoin) and "Ancient Martial Arts-style Everyday Body Use (DVD)"
Language: Japanese