Ancient Kobujutsu DVD 1: Natural Ways to Use Your Body DVD by Shinichiro Okada
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Martial Arts, Sports, and Everyday Life: Essential Body Management Tips
Learn from physiotherapist Shinichiro Okada about using your body efficiently and minimizing strain, drawing from ancient martial arts techniques. By dividing the body into upper body, lower body, and core, Okada enhances each segment's movements and fosters flexibility across the entire body, enabling you to exert significant force naturally and safely.
Discover straightforward movements that anyone can practice, packed with invaluable insights.
Chapter 1: Improving Upper Body Movement
- Checking the Coordination between Back and Arms
- Enhancing Upper Body Movements Linked with the Back
- Coordinated Power Generation involving Back and Arms
- Extending Arms Effectively
Chapter 2: Enhancing Lower Body Movement
- Checking Hip Joint Movements
- Bringing out Hip Joint Mobility
- Partner Exercises for Hip Joint Movement
- Generating Power to Stand Up
- Exercises for Lifting Legs Higher
- Exercises without Pressing the Feet - Part 1: Towel Grab
- Exercises without Pressing the Feet - Part 2: Power Generation Techniques
Chapter 3: Positioning of the Core
- Practical Postures
- Using Core Strength in Practical Postures
Chapter 4: Enhancing Whole Body Coordination
- Coordination between Upper Body, Lower Body, and Core
- Applying Whole Body Coordination in Movements - Part 1
- Applying Whole Body Coordination in Movements - Part 2
- Integrated Movement of Walking and Running
About Shinichiro Okada Shinichiro Okada is a physiotherapist, certified caregiver, and long-term care support specialist. Working in facilities for individuals with physical disabilities and the elderly, he developed "Kobujutsu Care," drawing inspiration from traditional martial arts for body management. His approach has gained significant recognition and is detailed in numerous publications including "Introduction to Kobujutsu Care" (Igaku-Shoin) and "Everyday Body Management" (East Press).
Language: Japanese