Aiki Jo w Bonus Features by Morihiro Saito (On Demand)
This is the most complete instruction on the Iwama Aiki Jo curriculum expertly demonstrated by Morihiro Saito, 9th dan. These ken and jo forms were compiled and refined by Saito sensei based on his weapons training directly under Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba. This series presents the most detailed instruction available on aikido weapons and clearly depict each sword and staff movement in an easily understood manner.
The Aiki Jo series includes: 31 jo kata, 20 jo suburi, 31 jo kumijo, 10 kumijo, and 13 jo awase. Complete English overdub of Japanese explanations.
This Aiki Jo series also features two bonus films. The first film is rare footage taken c. 1964 outdoors in Iwama. Saito Sensei is shown performing taijutsu basics, and ken and jo kata. Saito Sensei is a young 36 years old and this film represents some of the earliest surviving footage of this master.
The second film clip is Saito Sensei’s jo demonstration at the 1981 All-Japan Aikido Demonstration. Saito Sensei appears in front of an audience of thousands and shows the 31 jo kata with awase movements and the kumijo.