Advanced Three Sectional Staff: Kung Fu Weapon of Self-Defense Book by Eric Lee (Preowned)
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The three sectional staff is one of the most exciting and versatile weapons found in kung-fu.
Let Eric Lee show you how to master what few can handle effectively.
Designed with the advanced student in mind, this book by kung-fu luminary Eric Lee exposes the student in a more intimate way with the more difficult techniques. He not only concentrates on proficiency but also on handling the three-sectional staff with a sense of art. Black Belt brings back this fully-illustrated self-defense classic thanks to popular demand.
Like many top instructors, Lee started in the martial arts as a competitor, first at local tournaments then at ever challenging event possible. Lee recalls, "In the late 1960s and early 1970s, there weren't any real national tournaments like there are today.
So I competed whenever possible. I just went crazy."
Eventually, Lee wanted more satisfaction than trophies and tournaments could offer. The answer was teaching. He is genuinely concerned about upcoming kung-fu artists and wants to see them succeed. It is this craving to share his wealth of knowledge that led to the lessons in this volume, the product of a natural and effortless transition.
224 pages
Publication date: 1985