9th Wado Ryu Karate International Tournament & 60th National Tournament DVD with Commentary by Hironori Otsuka III
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In celebration of the 90th anniversary of Wado-Ryu, this DVD features highlights from the 9th Wado-Ryu Karate-Do International Tournament and the 60th Wado-Ryu Karate-Do National Tournament, held on August 24-25, 2024, at Tokyo Budokan. This historic event, with commentary from the third-generation headmaster Hironori Otsuka, marks the first time a leading style’s grandmaster provides in-depth insights into the art’s intricacies and philosophy. Otsuka shares his reflections on the essence of Wado-Ryu and the techniques unique to this style, as well as its evolution for future generations.
- Opening commentary from the third-generation headmaster, reflecting on the tournament's significance
- Kata and Kumite highlights, featuring intense finals across various categories, including advanced kata and kumite divisions
- Special commentary on the future of Wado-Ryu
Narration by: Hironori Otsuka, President of the Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Federation and third-generation headmaster. Born in 1965, Otsuka began training in martial arts at a young age and has since taught internationally. His publications include Mastering Martial Arts: The Path of Wado-Ryu Karate-Do and several instructional DVDs.
Language: Japanese
Length: 51 min.