道場襲撃は、Urban Dictionary では次のように定義されています。
道場に挑戦中。基本的にその名前が気に入った 1 人または複数の人物が道場に押し入り、そこにいる人々に挑戦することを指す場合があります。現代では、このようなことが起こることはますます稀になりつつあります。それがマクドジョの突然の蔓延の理由かもしれない。
この物語を正しく理解するには、90 年代初頭の日本の格闘技風土を理解することが重要です。当時のMMAは非常に若かったです。 UFC は 1993 年に始まったばかりで、Pride FC は 1997 年までデビューしませんでした。YouTube は 10 年以上存在しませんでした。日本人は自分たちのファイトスタイルに誇りを持っており、プロレスは巨大でした。プロレスの試合は作品であったが、多くの格闘家はそれがMMAでも効果があると考えていた(桜庭のように)。
そこで1994年12月、プロレスラー(後にPRIDE FCファイター)の安城洋治氏は、自分がヒクソン氏の代わりを務めると決意した。洋司は日本の報道陣に付き添われてカリフォルニアに飛び、ロサンゼルスの道場でヒクソンと対峙した。安城はヒクソンを日本で試合(UWF昇格戦)に誘うという名目でLAに来た。ヒクソンが来日を拒否したため、その場で決着をつけることにした。
I was attending the Laguna Niguel Racquet Club classes with Mark Eccard and Dave Kama when this was happening. After his first fight in Japan, Rickson came by the club to teach, and also to show video from the fight in Japan to folks who would stick around for it. He showed the Japan fight, with commentary as to his thought processes. Then he showed the video of Anjo in Santa Monica, discussing his thoughts at different phases as it went.
Something that struck me as a sign of a true gentleman and scholar-warrior, was a comment about Anjo, by Rickson. He said, toward the end of the video, that he had a lot of respect for Anjo as a fighter, because he did not tap out; he kept struggling to free himself from the choke, right up to the moment he passed out. After all the hype and bravado displayed by Anjo, combined with the fact they had to rip a banister out to let the fight keep rolling, I would have expected Rickson to have nothing good to say about him. In addition to being a consummate teacher and professional, he showed himself to also be a true warrior, able to respect the positive traits in others even though they had an intuitively negative interaction.
And, FWIW, IIRC… he rode his bike to the studio, barefoot, and in his pajamas. The call from Luis that the guy was already there, with a gaggle of press, annoyed him enough to jet there in a hurry.
If you’re an FBI agent you can watch videos of this guy losing. Kinda weird that people are worshiping a phony.
Just go to youtube and you can find video Rickson telling this story on Joe Rogan Expirience podcast ;)
Rickson and his x took me and out to dinner at Gladstones somewhere near 1996. I remember him discussing this match at dinner. According to him it wasn’t so much that he wanted to send the guy back to Japan with a damaged face , but rather he felt disrespected by the whole circus and he purposely delayed the choke in order to teach Anjo a lesson by administering punishment.
Modernly, most people have no idea how good Rickson really was. He was way ahead of his time on the fitness scale and training regiment. Just compare is body to Royce. Plus he perfected advanced breathing skills, had extreme mental toughness and had many many years of yoga for maximum flexibility. Add all this to a lifetime of Jiu Jutsu and you have a world class athlete.
I was a student at Rickson’s school in 2001 long after this fight occurred. After class one day I was lucky enough to sit and talk with Rickson, and he told me the story of the fight with Anjo. It was pretty much like what Jason said in his comments. Rickson also said that he had chances to choke Anjo out as he kept trying to turn his back to Rickson to avoid a further beating. Instead Rickson kept rolling him face up to hit him, braking his nose and marking his face up. When asked why he didn’t just choke him out right away, Rickson said if he did that, Anjo would just go back to Japan and say he fought Rickson and nothing happened to him, because his face would be unmarked. By breaking his nose and putting some damage to his face, Anjo couldn’t lie, when people saw his face there would be no question he took a beating and lost the fight.