Wing Chun Biu Jee Concepts 3 by Randy Williams (On Demand)

Wing Chun Biu Jee Concepts 3 by Randy Williams (On Demand)

Prix habituel $14.99 USD
Prix habituel Prix soldé $14.99 USD

The Wing Chun System is comprised of only three hand forms. Although the forms are few and easy to learn, to master them requires patience, perseverance, and determination. This mastery is vital, as the forms of Wing Chun are considered the keys to the system. The third hand form is Biu Jee or Shooting Fingers.

CONCEPTS & PRINCIPLES, PART 3 continues with explanations of Biu Jee principles plus the complete form, this time in slow motion. Biu Jee principles in this video include:

Inward Diagonal Punch. Finding the Root of all Punches in Wing Chun Blocks . Running the Hand to a Punch. Determining the Centerline. Blending Punch Principles . Phoenix Eye Punch . Abbreviated Pivoting Stance . Forward/Backward Headbutting . The Wing Chun Bob & Weave .Defense vs. a Bearhug. Casting the Arms to get up off the ground.
Getting up with a Protective Umbrella. Locking/Stopkicking from a position of extreme disadvantage . Opposite Hand/Foot Striking/Kicking for Balance . Deflecting the Opponent into a Kick . Cross Stomp Applications on the Ground . Adding Kicks/Stopkicks to the Lop Sau Cycle . Leglocks . Kicking with Yang hand Attack . Guarding Hand Position Change during Kicking. Kick Facing. Using the Arm to add Power to the Kick. Dook Lop Ma - Single Leg Stance . Correlation of Wing Chun Leg Blocks to Hand Blocks and their uses in Sticky Foot. Single Leg Siu Leem Tau Practice and more.

When Steven Seagal, Phil Collins, or Eric Clapton needed bodyguard protection, they called Wing Chun master Randy Williams, one of the world's foremost experts on self-defense. Williams, who operates school in Singapore and Los Angeles, began training at the age of 13 under George Yau and completed his instruction in the system under world-renown teaches Augustine Fong.

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