The Secret Method of Purification in Ancient Shinto DVD by Makoto Yamada

The Secret Method of Purification in Ancient Shinto DVD by Makoto Yamada

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Purification Methods for Ki, Aura, and Sacred Spaces Healing

In Shinto practices, "Harai" is known for purification rituals, where this video elaborates on methods using cleansing tools such as "Shaku" (scepter), "Katairo" (doll), "Hiuchi-ishi" (flint), "Salt," and "Kiyome Suzu" (purification bell). Additionally, it reveals esoteric techniques like "clapping," "Kotodama" (spiritual words), "Kagura Mai" (sacred dance), "Inkan" (seals), and "Tekazashi" (hand gestures) for purification, which do not require tools. These practices not only cleanse oneself but also enable the refreshing and healing of others through "Kami-ki" healing, purifying their life "spaces." Several secret techniques are also introduced, complementing the previous "Ancient Shinto Secret Practices" video.


Self-Purification and Requiem Techniques:

  • Clapping purification to cleanse one's aura
  • Purification using Hiuchi-ishi
  • Yahiko's breath purification
  • Purification using Katairo (doll)
  • Lamp flame requiem concentration method
  • Hifumi requiem in Stone Circle

Space Purification:

  • Clapping purification to cleanse the space
  • Room and entrance purification with salt
  • Cleansing a waterfall with salt
  • Space purification with Hiuchi-ishi
  • Hifumi airflow dance

Ancient Shinto Healing (Healing Techniques):

  • Shufuku (purification)
  • Purification using Shaku
  • Purification using a fan
  • Sound purification with a bell
  • Clapping, breath, and Te-gatana purification
  • Purification with hand seals and hand gestures
  • Purification with the sun circle seal and the divine words of the sun deity

Note: The background music for this video is from the "Self-Healing" series by Super Wave, utilizing relaxation music and hidden healing messages within ocean wave sounds to enhance viewers' latent self-purification effects.

Instructor/Presenter: Masato Yamada

Masato Yamada is a practitioner of Ancient Shinto, Qigong, and a researcher in comparative spiritual practices. He graduated from Hiroshima University's Faculty of Education and has researched various methods for developing human potential since his student days. He integrated Ancient Shinto practices, Qigong, and Yoga to develop "Koshinto Qigong." He has authored works such as "Ancient Shinto Practices and Science" (BAB Japan) and cassette series like "Journey to Find Myself" (Japanese History). Currently, he serves as a lecturer at Juku Nature School, conducting seminars and lectures.

Language: Japanese

Run time: 40 min.

The Secret Method of Purification in Ancient Shinto DVD by Makoto Yamada

The Secret Method of Purification in Ancient Shinto DVD by Makoto Yamada

Precio regular $39.95 USD
Precio regular $59.95 USD Precio de venta $39.95 USD

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