Rolfing Bodywork DVD by Tahata Hiroyoshi

Rolfing Bodywork DVD by Tahata Hiroyoshi

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Unlocking Human Potential American-born Bodywork: Rolfing

Delve into the charm and practical methods of Rolfing through this meticulous DVD presentation. Developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Rolfing is a form of bodywork originating in the United States. It aims to restore bodily balance by addressing network restrictions in the body's connective tissues caused by unconscious, habitual movements in daily life. Beyond physical comfort, Rolfing can also bring about changes in one's self-perception and interpersonal relationships.

Content Overview

Part One: Understanding Rolfing

  • Purpose and Features
    • Q1. What is Rolfing?
    • Q2. What are fascia?
    • Q3. Why is working with fascia necessary?
    • Q4. How is fascia addressed?
    • Q5. How does it differ from massage or therapy?
    • Q6. What specific changes can occur?
    • Q7. What are the five Principles?

Part Two: The 10 Approaches

  • Rolfing's 10 Sessions
    • Session 1: Deepening the breath
    • Session 2: Activating the foot arches
    • Session 3: Activating the lateral lines
    • Session 4: Activating the inner lines and pelvic floor
    • Session 5: Releasing visceral spaces and activating the psoas major
    • Session 6: Releasing the spine and sacrum
    • Session 7: Releasing the head and neck
    • Sessions 8, 9, 10: Integration

Part Three: Transformation of the Body

  • Examples of Rolfing Sessions
    • Interview: Gathering information
    • Body Reading: Observing the whole body
    • Table Work: Eliciting changes
      • (1. Observing breathing / 2. Working on each part)
    • Conclusion: Integration and comparison before and after sessions

Featured Instructors

Yasushi Fujimoto Certified Rolf Practitioner at the Rolf Institute in the United States. He writes a series on sensory body theory, "Body's Home Position," in the monthly magazine "Hiden".

Kotaro Ogiya Certified Rolf Practitioner at the Rolf Institute in the United States. Known for his teachings on vocalization, yoga, and ballet based on Rolfing principles.

Hiroyoshi Tahata Rolf Movement Instructor and Advanced Certified Rolf Practitioner at the Rolf Institute in the United States. He is the sole instructor in Japan, guiding future practitioners in Rolf Movement.

Language: Japanese

Run time: 57 min.

Rolfing Bodywork DVD by Tahata Hiroyoshi

Rolfing Bodywork DVD by Tahata Hiroyoshi

Precio regular $39.95 USD
Precio regular $59.95 USD Precio de venta $39.95 USD

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