The Sword of Aikido DVD by Mitsugi Saotome
Sword of Aikido DVD by Mitsugi Saotome - Budovideos Inc
Sword of Aikido DVD by Mitsugi Saotome - Budovideos Inc
Sword of Aikido DVD by Mitsugi Saotome - Budovideos Inc
Sword of Aikido DVD by Mitsugi Saotome - Budovideos Inc
Sword of Aikido DVD by Mitsugi Saotome - Budovideos Inc
Sword of Aikido DVD by Mitsugi Saotome - Budovideos Inc

The Sword of Aikido DVD by Mitsugi Saotome

Regular price $59.00 CAD
Regular price $72.00 CAD Sale price $59.00 CAD
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Direct student of the founder of Aikido, Saotome Sensei explains sword basics, outlines philosophical principles (such as marubashi), illustrates simple sword movements (suburi), and demonstrates the paired movements (kumitachi) on which his instructional system rests. The first five kumitachi are demonstrated and discussed in detail.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Thom Thomas

The product arrived in a timely manner. The content of the DVD was as advertised. Not exceptional, nor disappointing. Overall I am satisfied.