Shotokan Karate -The 5 Heian Kata DVD by Stephane Mari - Budovideos Inc

Shotokan Karate -The 5 Heian Kata DVD by Stephane Mari

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By Stephane Mari 4.Dan Karate, World Team Champion, European Vice Champion, 3 Times French Champion

The katas : the word kata in its comprehensive translation means « form ». In Karate, it’s translated by fundamental or conventional form. The katas constitute therefore within a certain style reference models. But they are something else than a simple combination, even perfect, of codified movements. They represent fighting sequences put together, and made up by Masters in order to carry on the fighting techniques.

Stéphane Mari presents here the basic katas of Shotokan style. His experience as an athlete, his biomechanical knowledge, his communication with the Masters, as well as a committed practice enabled him to define precisely the kata techniques so that you obtain optimum efficiency as regards fighting.

He shows then the 5 Heian, broken down, then in real speed with improvement elements so that you can immediately progress. Besides, each kata is accompanied with specific exercises for a better understanding of the technique.

Languages: English, German, French, Spanish
Running Time: 55 Minutes

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