BJJ Seminars Year One DVD by Roy Dean - Budovideos Inc
BJJ Seminars Year One DVD by Roy Dean - Budovideos Inc
BJJ Seminars Year One DVD by Roy Dean - Budovideos Inc
BJJ Seminars Year One DVD by Roy Dean - Budovideos Inc
BJJ Seminars Year One DVD by Roy Dean - Budovideos Inc

BJJ Seminars Year One DVD by Roy Dean

Regular price $37.00 CAD
Regular price $42.00 CAD Sale price $37.00 CAD
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Roy Dean is a black belt product of the Roy Harris style of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, methodical, meticulous, and masterful. In this flashback DVD, Dean gives you six long peeks into what makes his teaching, training, and fighting method so popular and powerful. There is no shortage of highly detailed instruction that both Dean and his instructor, Roy Harris, provide in a manner that is both easy to comprehend and easy to follow. There are also sections showing Dean and his students applying these techniques both in competition and during belt testing. The DVD even earned praise from the likes of Marcelo Garcia.

- Black Belt Magazine
1 - Alaska Seminar: 54th birthday seminar held for Robert Grunder of Gracie Barra Alaska
2 - Summer 2007: Morning portion of the annual BJJ gathering in Bend, Oregon
3 - Purple Belt Test: Jimmy DaSilva crosses the divide between blue and purple
4 - Roy Harris Seminar: Roy Harris teaches open guard control
5 - Westside Submission: Entering Chris Brennan's classic round robin tournament as a purple belt
6 - What does Jiu-jitsu Look Like?: BJJ commercial shot in San Diego, California with Harris academy members 

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Johnny Boy
Good dvd.

Good dvd. I would have liked more actual instruction. Much of it is demonstration. The Roy Harris portion saves this disc from being just a cool BJJ dvd and makes it a true instructional. His open guard control portion is absolutely great. I'd prefer to see more seminar style instructionals like that where you can hear the instruction instead of just seeing it set to music.

Chris Wright-Martell
This outstanding production

This outstanding production from Roy Dean is a great first release.

Roy Dean's Year One DVD gives an insight into his unique blend of Traditional Martial Arts aesthetic & community and the devastating effectiveness of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.

The seminars on the DVD are fantastic. Roy Dean's combination attacks from the guard position and Roy Harris' Open Guard control & passing counters could have each been their own DVD (though no quality is lost by placing them both on this disc).

Typically, when I watch a new grappling instructional, I look for one new idea that I can incorporate into my own training. From the Roy Harris segment alone, I picked up three "I need to use these" moves, and three more "I need to add these when I am ready" techniques...not to mention the new material I saw in Roy Dean's sections!

The extra features are great. The Purple Belt exam, tournament footage, and commercial all help build the great vibe that Roy Dean's teaching and school have. Pick up this DVD and see what his unique flow is all about!