Aikido Aikiden-Jo, Aiki Bukikai, Disarming & Ken-Jo Tanto DVD by Patricia Guerri - Budovideos Inc

Aikido Aikiken-Jo, Aiki Bukikai, Disarming & Ken-Jo Tanto DVD by Patricia Guerri

Regular price $44.00 CAD
Regular price $59.00 CAD Sale price $44.00 CAD
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The great history of Patricia GUERI whose life was something unpredictable.
She was taught by a goldsmith, Morihiro SAITO SENSEI, who discreetly gave a first rate teaching.
SAITO would spread his knowledge gradually through his daily lessons in IWAMA Japan.
During the many years she stayed with him he gave her several certificates : Mokuroku Dan of weapons (5th Degree), Aiki Ken, Aiki Jo, Bukiwaza which made Patricia GUERI the best person to teach the practice of weapons.

Patricia GUERRI protects, develops and carries on the teaching she received through AIKI BUKIKAI.
It is the most beautiful gift she could make in memory of the unforgettable person who did everything during his life to develop the weapons : Morihiro SAITO SENSEI.

Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew
Running Time: 85 Minutes + Bonus



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