JKA Karate All Kata of Karate DVD 3 - Budovideos Inc

JKA Karate All Kata of Karate DVD 3

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Archive recordings of the JKA (Japan Karate Association)

The following JKA instructors are shown on this teaching series:
- Asai Tetsuhiko
- Tanaka Masahiko
- Oishi Takeshi
- Imura Takenori
- Iwata Minoru
- Tamon Penda
- Ishi Ryosuke
- Yahara Mikio
- Ueki Masaaki
- Kagawa Masao
- Ogura Harunori
- Imamura Tomio
- Aramoto Nobuyuki
- Nakamura Yoko
- Abe Keiko
- Iida Norihiko
- Koike Takeshi
- Yokomichi Masaaki
- Shina Katsutoshi
- Naka Tatsuia

The following katas are performed by the top legendary Karate Masters:
- Bassai Dai
- Kanku Dai
- Enpi
- Jion
- Jitte
- Gankaku
- Kanku Sho
- Hangetsu

The Katas are shown from different angles, as well as at normal and slow pace.

Languages: English, German, French, Spanish
Running Time: 48 Minutes



Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
James Kirchner

This DVD has decent video and teaches the kata methodically. An excellent choice.