Fight Like an Animal Self Defense DVD 1 by Angel Velazquez

Fight Like an Animal Self Defense DVD 1 by Angel Velazquez

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Kung Fu Master Si-Gung Dr. Angel Velazquez is a disciple of Grand Master Seming Ma. Si-Gung Velazquez is a 8 time Hall of Fame inductee by the MA World Federation, MA History Museum & USA MA Hall of Fame. Awards range from Competitor of the Year, Best MA School of the Year to Lifetime Achievement in Martial Arts. Martial Arts Recognitions Awarded by: California State Senator Bill Emerson, US Senator Barbara Boxer, California State Senator Gloria Romero & California Legislature Assemblyman John Benoi. Angel’s Black Tiger Academy is a Five-Star-Rated Martial Arts Institution in Kung Fu Shaolin 5 Animals System in the State of California. Master Velazquez’s Titles outside of Martial Arts include: Doctor in Chiropractic Medicine (Summa Cum Laude). Master of Education in Sports Management (Summa Cum Laude) and Master in Business Administration (Summa Cum Laude). Currently Si-Gung holds a 7th Degree Black Sash by the MA Masters World Federation and he teaches at his own school “Angel’s Black Tiger Kung Fu Academy” (74 W Ramsey St # A, Banning, CA 92220).

Vol-1 Fight Like An Animal (Practical Self Defense) Includes: Blocks & Counters, Open Hand Strikes, Using Elbows & Knees as Shields and Counter Attacks, Engaging and Disengaging, Detailed Explanation of footwork and distance, Takedowns & Locks, Key Points, Application and much more!

Ng Ga Kuen, also known as Five Families/Five Animals Kung Fu or Five Family Fist is a major traditional Southern Chinese Martial Art that traces its origins to the Shaolin Temples of China.

Ng Ga Kuen roughly translates to “Five Family Boxing/Fist”. As the name implies, it is distinctive in that it brings together techniques of five different family styles: Choy Gar, Li Gar, Mok Gar, Fut Gar, and Hung Gar, taking the best of each style to create a very complete system. It also incorporates techniques and forms from the 5 legendary Shaolin animals, the Tiger, the Dragon, the Leopard, the Snake and the Crane.

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