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TWIBJJ Episode 29 - Roberts, Reeves and Agazarm

We have special guests lined up with Sean Roberts, Teri Reeves and AJ Agazarm for Episode 29 of This Week in BJJ.

Topics include:

The International Olympic Comity drops wrestling from the 2020 Olympic games.

The passing of 10th degree Judoka, Keiko Fukuuda

Eddie Bravo postpones Sub only worlds and more!

New Products include:

Odyssey Rashguard by Nogi Industries (Artist Series)

Nogi Sweeps DVD with Chris Brennan
Nogi Sweeps On Demand with Chris Brennan

Nogi Guard Passes DVD with Chris Brennan
Nogi Guard Passes On Demand with Chris Brennan

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

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