Budo Blog

The Quest to Define BJJ Fundamentals by Budo Jake
A Quest to Define the BJJ Fundamentals (Originally appeared in Jiu-Jitsu Style Magazine) Advice that is often heard in jiu jitsu schools around the globe is to “Focus on...

We're Buying Used Books & DVDs!
Now is the perfect time to get rid of the old martial arts books and DVDs that you have laying around. Just send us an email listing the titles and...

Digging into Darces with Bjorn Friedrich
I recently had the chance to chat with martial arts teacher Bjorn Friedrich. Bjorn originally released his ground-breaking instructional DVD on Brabo/darce chokes about a decade ago but the techniques...

Street Self Defense with Bjorn Friedrich
Longtime martial arts practitioner and instructor Bjorn Friedrich, recently released a new instructional video on effective street self defense titled Control the Chaos and we recently caught up with him...

Should we be practicing both sides? By Budo Jake
Does it make sense to practice everything on both sides in Jiu-jitsu? In my experience it's common practice in Jiu-jitsu classes for the instructor to tell the students to practice...
Flashback to 2012: Eddie Bravo vs Shawn Williams
It's hard to believe it's been 7 years already. It was the summer of 2012 and Budo Dane and I had a live weekly jiu-jitsu show. This was well before...

What Does a 10th Planet Black Belt Say About Training in the Gi?
I’ve known Brent Littell for quite a few years now. He was already a 10th Planet black belt when he decided to deepen his gi knowledge by training at Gracie...

Nic Gregoriades on Jiu-jitsu, Fitness & Longevity
Nic Gregoriades is a well-known Jiu-Jitsu instructor with the unique title of being Roger Gracie's first black belt. Since Nic just came out with a new fitness instructional called BudoFit,...

Dropping the B from BJJ - by Budo Jake
In the US, since the 90’s the art that I practice and teach has been called Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or sometimes Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Take off the gi and it might be...

Taking a Look at the Estima Lock - Budo Jake Chats with Victor Estima
The Estima Lock is powerful submission that affects the tendons and ligaments of the foot, the same way a toehold does. Victor Estima created this technique nearly 10 years ago...

New DVDs from Josh Barnett, Travis Stevens, Masakazu Imanari, Matt Darcy and More!
Break a Leg: Leg Lock Seminar DVD by Josh Barnett Catch-as-catch-can has been doing leg locks since the beginning, now learn from multi-time mixed martial arts and grappling champion, Josh...

Break Legs with Josh Barnett 😱 and Kit Dale Masterclass series DVDs: Z Guard, Passing and the Art of Learning.
Catch-as-catch-can has been doing leg locks since the beginning, now learn from multi-time mixed martial arts and grappling champion, Josh "WARMASTER" Barnett.
Learn devastating leglock set-ups and submissions including heel hooks, ankle locks, kneebars, and more!

New gi release by Want vs Need! The World is Yours
New gi release by Want vs Need!
Just a few of these available for a limited time.
Inspired by the 2012 Jiu Jitsu World Championships the jacket is made of lightweight pearl weave with the pants being light weight rip stop..
Available in Blue and White with a variety of sizes from A00F to A5 with everything in between.

New Gis from Moya, new DVDs from Bernardo Faria, Stephen Whittier and more!
Learn The Fundamentals & Concepts That Have Allowed Bernardo Faria To Become One Of The Greatest Champions Ever To Step On A Mat – While Having Less

Break a Leg by Jeff Glover Available now on DVD, On Demand and in the App Store!
Jeff Glover is known for having one of the most unique and creative approaches to Jiu Jitsu. Not only naturally talented, Jeff has competed against and trained alongside some of the best practitionaers in the world. Most recently, he trained for several years with Leg lock master, Dean Lister. Jeff incorporated Dean's Leg Locks and added his own creative style to them.