Wing Chun 108 Wooden Dummy 2 by Randy Williams (On Demand)

Wing Chun 108 Wooden Dummy 2 by Randy Williams (On Demand)

Regular price $25.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 AUD

Randy Williams is one of the premier Wing Chun instructors in the world. Already a proven star for Unique Publications Video, now he's back with more.

Wooden Dummy Training is a two-part series. In this video, Randy focuses on drills such as: The Lop Sau/Fon Sau Switch, the Chang Dai Jyeung Switch, the Biu Sau Switch, the Gum Sau Switch and the Pock Sau Switch. He then goes into Look Sau-Rolling Hands, the Triple Uppercut, Sticky Foot, the Dummy Centerline Theory and more.

When Steven Seagal, Phil Collins, or Eric Clapton needed bodyguard protection, they called Wing Chun master Randy Williams, one of the world's foremost experts on self-defense. Williams, who operates school in Singapore and Los Angeles, began training at the age of 13 under George Yau and completed his instruction in the system under world-renown teaches Augustine Fong.

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