The Complete 12 Kata of Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate 2 DVD Set by Roger Wehrhan
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$66.00 AUD
Regular price
$81.00 AUD
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$66.00 AUD
The 12 Kata of Okinawa Goju Ryu was filmed at the Crosswinds Karate Kai in Hazleton, PA at a "Mountain Teachings" Seminar. The seminar was presented as a guide to demonstrate the correct form of the Goju Ryu Kata and to share some of the deeper training methods of the style. The seminar begins with the four essentials of practice: joint loosening, leg stretching, hip action and continuity drills.
The Kata are then performed at walk through speed for form and flowing speed for continuity. There are also several drills to the Kata on both sides of the body.
2 disc set 109 Minutes