Tao of Wing Chun Do Vol 2 Book by James DeMile

Tao of Wing Chun Do Vol 2 Book by James DeMile

Regular price $54.00 AUD
Regular price $63.00 AUD Sale price $54.00 AUD
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Bruce Lee's Chi Sao (Sticky Hands)
For the first time DeMile shares the secrets of Bruce Lee's dynamic spring energy principles and his unique application of Chi Sao (Sticking Hands). The use of these principles allowed Bruce to overcome much larger opponents. The author also introduces the basic concepts of Wing Chun Do in an easy to understand format, and explains the ESP principle (Efficiency, Simplicity and Practicality). A technique must pass this ESP principle in order to remain valuable. Efficient means that it is as direct and short as possible with all unnecessary movements removed. Simple means the technique can be executed without stretching or warming-up and is a fairly natural movement. Practicality means that the technique is effective; what good is it, if it doesn't work? Wing Chun Do challenges you to prove it to yourself.

Length: 128 pages



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