RMA Systema SV Empty Hands & Knife DVD with Dmitry Skogorev - Budovideos Inc

RMA Systema SV Empty Hands & Knife DVD with Dmitry Skogorev

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Master Dmitry Skogorev is one of the most prominent figures of the Systema Russian Martial Art and leader of an international organization widely spread throughout the world. Systema SV (Sibirskyi Vjun) has a very well developed didactic formulation, which has given Master Skogorev a great deal of credit and recognition in many countries, where he regularly teaches seminars every year. This video presents a very complete work on empty hands defense techniques against various types of grips and kicks; an interesting section on ground fighting, with the characteristic falls of the Systema biomechanics, and defenses in different positions on the ground against fist attacks, kicks and grabs; defense techniques with the whip, defense against threats and knife attacks, and the use of the knife in a defensive-offensive way as well as a sample of special energetic work. An impressive demonstration of the biodynamic principles that have made this Martial Art a reference of effectiveness in the whole world.

68 Min. 

- Languages included in DVD: English, Español, Italiano, Français

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