Okinawa Goju Ryu Seibukai Karate DVD with Kinei Nakasone - Budovideos Inc

Okinawa Goju Ryu Seibukai Karate DVD with Kinei Nakasone

Regular price $44.00 AUD
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We have chosen to bring Master Boulafa Mimoun- together with our adviser for the Okinawa issues, along with - some of the best and most important traditional Masters, such as Master Nakasone. This way, we want to give you the chance of learning at firsthand the doctrines of the most traditional styles of Karate. To achieve this, Nakasone with the assistance of his principal Masters, teaches the "Fukyo kata" Gekisai 1 and 2, Gekiha 1 and 2 and Kakuha, not forgetting Sanchin, the outstanding method of this style. In the DVD they teach its correct performance in detail, as well as its applications or bunkai.

- Languages included in DVD: English, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Français

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