Kyokushinkai Karate Kata & Bunkai DVD 3 by Bertrand Kron - Budovideos Inc

Kyokushinkai Karate Kata & Bunkai DVD 3 by Bertrand Kron

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Karate to KO - Superior advanced Katas and Bunkais Kyokushinkai

Efficiency in the Kyokushinkai, the Bunkais of superior Katas from the style had to remain in a tradition of research to reality and efficiency in combat. Shihan Bertrand Kron, 6th Dan FFK, Godan IKO, Europe championship finalist of Kata Kyokushinkai, presents in this 3rd film the superior advanced Katas that his Seiienchin, Garyu, Seipai, Kanku and Sushi Ho.

Each kata is broken down in different angles, and then explained.
The complex sequence of movements are shown with concrete examples (bunkaï) in the idea of Kyokushinkai: technical respect of the kata movement, but with realism in the fight. Sensei Jerome de Timmerman then shows the kata. 2 examples of fighting techniques (Bunkai Kumite) are shown for each kata as extra practice.

The whole ables this dvd to be an excellent educational tool.
It is the fruit of 25 years of personal resurch and teaching of Branch-Chief of FKOK, and also official kata instructor at the European summer camp Kyokushinkai of Papendal.

Languages: English, German, French, Spanish
Running Time: 82 Minutes

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