Born to be Strongest: Shinkyokushinkai Karate Instructional Vol 5 DVD - Budovideos

Born to be Strongest: Shinkyokushinkai Karate Instructional Vol 5 DVD

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Full contact karate cutting-edge technique!
The champions of the Shinkyokushinkai, famous players, generously reveal their actual combat techniques. Introducing the techniques that were actually used in the game and refined in the actual battle with easy-to-understand demonstrations and explanations. Yuji Shimamoto, who has won the 44th All Japan and finished 3rd in the 5th World Cup heavyweight class, is expected to be the next ace. Japan's middleweight representative, Ichizo Shimamoto, has won the All Japan Middleweight twice and finished third in the 5th World Cup Middleweight. And Yasaki Sato who achieved the feat of the 9th World Championship runner-up and the 3rd consecutive World Cup middleweight championship. Koyaka Kato won the weight system lightweight class for 4 consecutive years, the 5th World Cup lightweight class runner-up, and the 45th All Japan runner-up. And Daiki Kato, a technician who won second place in the 5th World Cup middleweight class and second place in the 45th All Japan with his splendid footwork and speed. Five famous players representing the Shinkyokushinkai of the new era.


 前足の前蹴り Front Leg Mae Geri
 奥足の前蹴り Back Leg Mae Geri
 逆突き Gyaku Zuki
 ヒザ蹴り Hiza Geri
 下段廻し蹴り Gedan Mawashi Geri

島本一二三 Kazufumi SHIMAMOTO
 上段廻し蹴り Jodan Mawashi Geri
 横蹴り Yoko Geri
 後ろ廻し蹴り Ushiro Mawashi Geri
 奥足の内股への下段廻し蹴り Gedan Mawashi Geri to Back Leg Uchimata
 三日月蹴り Mikazuki Geri

佐藤弥沙希 Misaki SATO
 左下突き Hidari Shita Zuki
 右下突き Migi Shita Zuki
 右逆突き Migi Gyaku Zuki
 内股への下段廻し蹴り Gedan Mawashi Geri to Uchimata
 左内股蹴り→左下突き Hidari Uchimata Geri → Hidari Shita Zuki
 上下のコンビネーション High-Low Combinations

加藤小也香 Sayaka KATO
 左右の突き Tsuki Left and Right
 前蹴り Mae Geri
 サイドからの内股蹴り Uchimata Geri From the Side
 中段廻し蹴り Chudan Mawashi Geri

加藤大喜 Daiki KATO
 カウンターの上段前蹴り Jodan Mae Geri as a Counter
 フェイントからの後ろ蹴り Ushiro Geri from a Feint
 接近戦での後ろ廻し蹴り Ushiro Mawashi Geri in Close-Quarters Fighting
 内廻し蹴り Uchi Mawashi Geri

Language: Japanese with English subtitles

Length: 80 min.


Born to be Strongest: Shinkyokushinkai Karate Instructional Vol 5 DVD - Budovideos

Born to be Strongest: Shinkyokushinkai Karate Instructional Vol 5 DVD

Regular price $62.00 AUD
Regular price $91.00 AUD Sale price $62.00 AUD

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